Library of Congress, Vanity Publishing and rewrite

We finally received our copyright from Library of Congress, which is pretty cool.
Then, just a few days later we received a letter from some vanity publishing company.

No thanks. I would rather give my books away and have people enjoy them than pay a shitload of money for a company to print and distribute them.

Aaaaaand, being as literary agents won't give me the time of day I am trying something new - took 5,000 words out of the beginning (I'll admit that Lives of Future-Past is a slow starter) and we get right into the thick of things. I think it will be a much better read for people with ADD (like me).

This is the great thing about self-publishing electronically - If someone has purchased your book they won't buy it again, and if you change it and then re-upload to your online outlet (i.e. Amazon) the next purchaser will get the new version. Simple!

So I am just writing a bunch of crap here while I wait for OSX Yosemite to completely install in my two Macs.

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